Before you start reading this part, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the previous one. If you have already read it, you should be aware of the fact that about 200 years ago, a drastic shift of technological paradigm occurred on our planet, which entailed the destruction of highly efficient energy technology, and also became a turning point for the modern civilization of people.
The first part of this article focused on summarizing everything that has been found and understood on this topic in recent years, as well as on proving the presence of a number of special components such as crystals (minerals) and metal containers with unknown contents in the dome installations of the original configuration.
And although this find is an important aspect of the lost key to the technologies of the past, we still need to understand the most important aspect of it, namely, the physical principle that underlies the work of those technologies. This is what the second part of the article is about.
Due to the fact that this part turned out to be too long in the process of writing, I decided to split it, expanding the article to three parts. The second part is a kind of foundation necessary for a full understanding of the given phenomena. To some, it may not seem very informative, but unfortunately, without clarifying a number of fundamental points, we cannot move further.
Attempts to understand and explain the essence of the physical phenomena behind the lost technology have been undertaken by many people, but a unified and unambiguous idea of the principle of its operation, unfortunately, has not yet been formed. Most people are convinced that the reality around us is extremely difficult to explain, and even if it is explainable, then only through the prism of complex scientific theories and mathematical formulas. This results in an opinion that the technologies of the past are practically unattainable.
This circumstance largely lies in the purposeful disinformation policy of those forces that have gained control over our civilization. Absolutely all branches of modern science are built in such a way as to prevent people from gaining true knowledge about the structure of this world. Those areas that lead to an understanding of the energy technologies of the past are guarded especially fiercely. Any information capable of undermining the current state of affairs is either branded as pseudoscientific or simply classified.
But consideration of seemingly familiar and well-known processes under the right angle can discover extremely curious knowledge, which doesn’t require you to be a scientist or a genius. Moreover, this knowledge may become a key, which will get you closer not only to unraveling the secrets of energy technologies of the past, but also to understanding the essence of energy and matter in general. But let’s proceed step by step.
Chapter 4. Following the crystals
In the process of thinking about the questions that arose in the process of writing the first part, I realized that vessels, as well as iron cylinders and bells, will definitely not help me at this stage to understand the secret of the sought-for technology. No matter how complex or simple their working principle is, without real samples or photographs of their filling, neither I nor you could be sure of our guesses.
But installations made of stones/minerals/crystals, on the other hand, look much more tangible. They obviously could not hide anything else inside, and therefore, we know exactly what we are dealing with. Moreover, many of the structures that we analyzed previously (such as Angkor Wat) are made of stone, which suggests that the work of the considered energy technology, contrary to popular belief, does not have to be based on the presence of metal bonds or other «electrically conductive» materials.
Taking into account the above conclusions, I began to look for new clues related to the application of lingams in practice. And once again, Praveen Mohan's YouTube channel helped me with this task. Namely the video titled: «Is Lingam A Tesla Coil? Ancient Energy Device found in Tiruvannamalai Temple».
In this video, Praveen talks about the main relic of the «Arunachalesvara» temple located in the city of Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. This relic is a lingam, and it is interesting to us because it has one very remarkable property. For some unknown reason, this lingam is constantly radiating heat. According to Praveen, the locals and priests call this type of lingam «Agni lingam» (Agni = fire).
Although Praveen correctly concludes that the entire temple complex originally was most likely a large technical facility for generating/converting energy, he does not fully understand the reason why the lingam generates heat. And this, in fact, holds one of the of the main secrets of the lost technology. As soon as I heard about this phenomenon, I immediately realized that it was necessary to dig in this direction.
If an object, being in a certain position, is capable of generating energy, then it is logical to assume that the reason for this is its internal physico-chemical properties, as well as its spatial location. And since we have already more or less figured out the spatial arrangement and shape, it remains to get an insight into how the internal structure of an object can affect its physical properties, and how this all relates to the lost energy technology. In order to reveal the essence of this issue, we will finally begin looking into crystals. They will help us get to the secret of the lost technology. And since crystals is a rather complex and extensive topic, I devoted a separate part to it.
It is obviously not a secret that crystals (especially those that are beautiful and of an ideal shape) have always attracted people. Some wear them as jewelry, because it is beautiful and prestigious. Even more people use all sorts of technical devices every day, not even suspecting that they utilize the unique properties of crystals. And some are even sure that crystals have supernatural energetic and spiritual properties.
The first time I learned about the potential connection between crystals and the sought-for energy technology was from the video by Praveen Mohan (the very first one that I showed you). Was the lingam that once stood there made of a beautiful transparent mineral? If so, why was it done that way, and how exactly was it produced? While searching for the answers, I almost immediately realized that crystals are not only beautiful and transparent glass. After all, a crystal is primarily a matter that has crystal lattice at the atomic level. This means that lingams made from any crystalline minerals, including the one we saw in the video «India's Oldest Lingam - Evidence of Ancient Machining Technology», could well be called crystalline. But before we move on to a detailed examination of crystals from a scientific point of view, I want to share with you some interesting findings on this topic.
Having realized that crystalline lingams may hold some secret, I naturally rushed to find additional samples of these artifacts. In particular, I was interested in samples made from a transparent crystalline material. However, to my great regret, I found that there are very few of them left. What comes across on the Internet is basically modern replica. All original transparent crystal lingams of large size are either gone, or there are just no photos of them on the Internet. The most famous (and most likely the only one that you will find) example of such a lingam is in the temple «Kadavul», located in the state of Hawaii, USA.
However, the temple itself was built in 1973, and the crystal lingam that is located in it was allegedly found 15 years earlier somewhere in the mountains of Arkansas, by a miner named Jimmy Coleman. According to the legend, Jimmy was so amazed by his find that he was afraid to show it to anyone. Therefore, he hid the crystal for 15 years, until he decided to sell it to a representative of the religious organization «Saiva Siddhanta», which was just looking for something similar. The crystal itself is about 1 meter high and is considered to be the largest hexagonal unidirectional crystal ever found.
I told you this story not because it can somehow help us with solving the mystery of lingams, but rather because it seemed suspicious to me. Something tells me that the crystal found by Jimmy is not natural at all, and most likely not from an ordinary cave. And Jimmy most likely realized this too when he discovered it, and therefore hid it for 15 years, out of harm's way. This whole legend sounds especially strange if you know that Jimmy has been mining minerals since 1963 (family business), and calls himself the largest supplier of Arkansas quartz in the United States. All that his company finds is for sale. This is the essence of business. He could easily get a lot of money for selling the crystal that he had found, which should be especially relevant for a person who had just started his own business. There was no logic in hiding it for 15 years, and only then selling it. And not just to an ordinary client-collector, but to a religious organization that uses crystals as lingams. No matter what the truth is, you should draw your own conclusions.
And although I did not find other crystalline lingams of the similar size, I still came across one curious artifact, which seems absolutely authentic to me:
This lingam vessel was found at the «Sukuh» temple on Java Island in Indonesia. Experts who worked with this find stated that the vessel was made of bronze and that, according to their calculations, was approximately made in the 15th century. Another interesting detail is that when this vessel was found, there was unevaporated water inside of it. Archaeologists were amazed at the fact that the water managed to stay there for so much time.
We can argue for a long time about how ancient or modern this vessel is, as well as about whether the water inside of it should have dried out (if initially it was water at all), but attention should be focused on something completely different. The fact that we have another lingam in front of us is beyond doubt even among the official archaeologists who found this artifact. But this is the first time that we see the combination of the lingam with the vessel (although earlier we saw them as elements of one system, they were nonetheless isolated from each other).
Considering what we already know about the old «vessels», it is absolutely logical to assume that it is a representative of the old energy devices. I don’t know about you, but common sense tells me that this is an ordinary light fixture. And if in this device the crystal could glow, then maybe in others it glowed too? Maybe transparent minerals were used in those cases when it was necessary to obtain light radiation, and for all other purposes the minerals were selected in accordance with their physico-chemical properties (regardless of transparency)?
Another interesting case is the find made in Cambodia in 2020, near the temple «Angkor Wat». There, archaeologists found two stone turtles with stashes hidden inside. According to various sources, there was nothing remarkable in one turtle, but the other one had a stash full of quartz crystals along with some bronze (copper) wires. A detailed analysis of this find can be seen in the video from the Praveen Mohan channel.
At first you might think that there is nothing wrong with this find – just an ordinary stash. BUT, let's think logically – why did someone decide to put quartz crystals in the stash? It is obvious that at the time they were placed there, they had some value. This value could be both material and practical (otherwise why anyone would bother hiding them?). But why would quartz, which is one of the most common minerals on the planet, suddenly become so valuable that people felt the need to hide it? And since someone needed it, how could it be used in those days?
As for me, this is yet another proof that in the old days crystals were widespread and involved practical usage. The fact that someone decided to hide them most likely indicates that at a certain point of time this technology was actively being removed from everywhere, and some people naturally decided to hide a handful of crystals for themselves, knowing about their true practical application. If at some point the use and distribution of crystals became illegal/dangerous, it is not surprising that the demand for them increased.
Fortunately for us, the evil forces were unable to destroy absolutely all traces of the use of crystals in the past. Therefore, sometimes we come across small grains of truth in different parts of the world:
Even if crystals from this particular example were decorative, there is no doubt that they reflect the appearance of full-scale and functional obelisks with crystals that were once installed in cities.
But the matter is not limited to artifacts alone. While preparing the materials for this article, I could not help but take into account the fact that crystals are presented as energy sources in a huge number of movies, books, computer games and other manifestations of fiction. But even though it is considered to be fiction, everyone is well aware that this way we are often secretly being told about some hidden facts/events/knowledge. I will list just a few notable examples.
Kyber crystals from the «Star Wars» cinematic universe:
A curious fact is that, in the Star Wars mythology, kyber crystals are force-sensitive. If you don’t know about the Star Wars concept of «The Force», then in simple words – it is an energy that surrounds and penetrates the whole universe, binding it together.
Another example that depicts crystals as the source of energy can be found in animated movie «Atlantis: The Lost Empire» (2001):
Although less frequently but even the special red substance sometimes appears in movies and TV series. For example, in a movie titled «Casper» (1995), this substance is shown as a special fuel that powered a device called «Lazarus». This device was capable of bringing ghosts back to life:
The very same substance is in the center of the plot of one super cool anime series titled «Fullmetal Alchemist», where it is called the philosopher’s stone, and which can exist in liquid and crystalline form:

Obviously, all these hints and references are based on some kind of secret knowledge that was taken from people in the recent past. Understanding that crystals played a large role in it allows us to perceive many things differently. For example, why gems were inserted into various artifacts of the past:
Obviously, all these hints and references are based on some kind of secret knowledge that was taken from people in the recent past. Understanding that crystals played a large role in it allows us to perceive many things differently. For example, why gems were inserted into various artifacts of the past:
We have already looked into this picture in the first part of the article, but there we focused on artifacts with the red substance inside. Now we are interested in the sword of the man on the right, since its handle for some reason is made of a translucent crystalline material. A similar image of a sword is found in a painting with a similar plot by another artist:
And this sword is the oddest one:

Was the red substance poured into it? Was it a fully functioning weapon or rather a ceremonial accessory?
Why did they need to make sword handles from crystals and vessels for liquid? Could the wielder interact with the sword through them in some way? If so, what exactly was this interaction? Maybe through them it was somehow possible to direct the energy of the body straight into the sword and merge with it into a single whole? This is all worth pondering.
And of course, the well-known (in corresponding circles) mirrors for video-communication:
If you think that this is fiction and extremely far from reality, then I want to remind you of the fact that all modern monitors and displays also work on the basis of crystals, but only the liquid ones. Of course, we can assume that the considered mirrors did not use crystals, but to me personally, they seem to be the most likely option.
Actually, there are plenty of similar examples, and if you wish, you can find additional samples yourself. Right now it is now much more important to understand the reason why crystals have their unique properties. To do this, we will have to look into crystals from a scientific point of view, which is exactly what the next chapter is devoted to.
Chapter 5 – Structure of crystals and matter
The most logical way to start our scientific research into crystals is by providing a definition. In almost all sources it looks something like this:
«Crystals are solid materials whose constituents (atoms and molecules) are arranged regularly, forming a three-dimensional periodic spatial packing – a crystal lattice».
But as the saying goes, one look is worth a thousand words. So watch this video instead – «How do crystals work? – Graham Baird». Upon watching it, you should have a general understanding of crystals.
At this stage, it should be understood that crystals are not just beautiful precious minerals. Crystals include any ordered matter, including ordinary stones, metals, ice, and much more. But in order to completely eliminate confusion at the initial stage, let's recall all existing states of matter. As you probably know, there are four of them – solid, liquid, gas, plasma.
Solids, in their turn, can exist in two essentially different states, differing in their internal structure and, accordingly, properties. These two states are crystalline and amorphous. If in crystalline bodies the structure is ordered into a geometrically regular lattice, then in amorphous bodies there is no order in the arrangement of atoms and molecules throughout the volume of the substance. Examples of amorphous substances are glasses, resins, and plastics. In fact, amorphous substances are an unstable state of solids. A curious fact is that amorphous substances tend to transform over time into crystalline form, though this process can take years or even decades (in the absence of external influence).
Another important point that needs to be mentioned is that crystals (both natural and artificially grown) can take two different forms – the form of a monocrystal (sometimes called single crystal) and the form of a polycrystal. A monocrystal is a crystal whose crystal lattice is uniform (continuous) throughout its volume. In other words, it is a perfect crystal. A polycrystal, in its turn, is a crystal whose crystal lattice is nonuniform and consists of differently oriented crystal grains (also called crystallites).

The properties of a crystal depend primarily on the crystallization conditions, including such aspects as: growth rate, environment, and external influence.
Some examples of how crystallization occurs:
The main practical difference between monocrystals and polycrystals is that monocrystals have improved physical properties. These properties make them indispensable components in a wide variety of industries. For example, the semiconductor industry, which forms the basis for all modern electronics, is built precisely on the use of the properties of monocrystals. For those who are not aware of what a semiconductor is – it is a material that, in terms of its electrical conductivity, stands between conductors and insulators (hence the name). The reason semiconductors are so popular in electronics is largely because their electrical resistivity decreases with increasing temperature, whereas in metals the opposite is true. The most common and accessible chemical element, used in the semiconductor industry, is silicon (Si). This element forms the basis of most modern computer microprocessors.
The reason for the unique properties of crystals obviously lies in the structure of their crystal lattice. But for now, let's leave this question for later and return to the mystery of the self-heating lingam. Now, being sure that all lingams belong to crystals, the most rational way would be to try finding any mention of their unique properties in official scientific sources. Could it be that what we have learned about the heating lingam is a long-known physical property of crystals?
It turned out that the physical effect that can give us some clues is called «pyroelectricity». It can be described as the ability of certain crystals to generate a temporary voltage when their temperature is changing (for example: under heat, radiation, or even primitive rubbing). This effect should not be confused with the better known «piezoelectricity», the essence of which is that electricity in a crystal is generated as a result of mechanical action. The most obvious example of the use of piezoelectricity is a microphone – sound waves of a certain vibration frequency affect a crystal, which in its turn converts them into electrical energy (thus transforming your voice into an electrical signal).
But how does this relate to our lingam, given that it generated heat, instead of receiving it? This is explained by the fact that pyroelectricity, like piezoelectricity, has the opposite effect. Considering the microphone example, we talked about converting mechanical energy (sound vibrations) into electricity. But piezo crystals can also convert electricity into mechanical vibrations. On the principle opposite to the microphone works the speaker – an electrical signal of a certain frequency goes to a piezoelectric crystal, which converts this energy into vibrations that we perceive as sound.
The same thing works with pyroelectricity. If a pyroelectric crystal is placed in an electromagnetic field, its polarization changes, which is accompanied by heating or cooling of the crystal. The temperature change in this case is directly proportional to the strength of the electromagnetic field.
A similar pattern is observed in the so-called «Light-Emitting Diode» (LED) lamps, which contain a crystalline semiconductor.
When a current is applied to the crystal, it starts to glow (in more scientific terms, it converts an electric current into radiation of a certain frequency).
The frequency of this radiation depends on the structure of the crystal. Sometimes it can be in the infrared spectrum, which is not perceived by human eyes. And as you probably guessed, if you irradiate a crystal with light of a certain spectrum (radiation of a certain frequency), it will electrify it. This is the way solar panels work. You can find more info about this phenomenon in this video – «Why all solar panels are secretly LEDs».
The ironic truth is that most people are completely unaware of the fact that crystals are contained inside LED lamps and other similar devices. It can’t be said that this information is hidden, as you can find it even on Wikipedia. But for a certain reason, it is not particularly displayed. Most often, crystals are hidden behind terms like «diode» or «semiconductor», just not to call a spade a spade. And the reason for this is that it is extremely unprofitable for the controlling forces to let everyone know about the special properties of crystals. Imagine if the LED lamps were called not «Light Emitting Diodes», but «Light Emitting Crystals»? Then everyone would know that crystals are capable of emitting light with minimal energy consumption, and since they can emit light, then maybe they are capable of something more? In the same context, it is worth noting the fact that LEDs lamps appeared on the consumer market suspiciously late, given that the physical effect (even according to the official version) was already known at the beginning of the 20th century. It is obvious that someone artificially slowed down the emergence of this technology in the public domain. This begs the question – how many more important technologies are they hiding?
Returning to the question with the lingam, a logical question arises – if the lingam/crystal from the temple «Arunachalesvara» really heats up, is it indeed affected by an electromagnetic field? Where does it come from, if there are only boulders around? Or maybe that field is not electromagnetic at all? Once again, facing a very confusing situation, I decided that I should study more thoroughly the structure of typical temples in that area, as well as the internal structure of crystals. After all, if not there, then where else to look for answers?
Let's look at the temples first. Initially it may seem that this is another dead end, where everything has already been studied and explained numerous times. The only clue we have is that they all have symmetry. And if we tried to apply it to «Arunachalesvara», or any other similar temple, then it would not help us much. Even if the design of a given temple employs a certain type of symmetry, it is not the best example to consider. However, among all the temples that we looked at earlier, there is one example which is much more illustrative. Thanks to it, I managed to understand the logic behind the symmetry. Some of you may have already noticed this after reading the first part of this article. Take a closer look at the plan of the temple «Angkor Wat»:
And now look at this:
Looks very similar, right? The design of the temple is essentially a fractal. In this case, the most similar is the so-called «Sierpinski carpet». Even the lingam grid that was discovered under the temple using the «LIDAR» technology fully fits into the fractal picture. Every detail played a role.
Similar fractal geometry can be found in many other structures on the planet. The most famous example is the star fortresses, made in the form of various fractal shapes:
But what’s so new and unusual about this, you’d probably ask. Even if these structures once had special properties, how does this help us now? The fact is that the physical principles of the surrounding reality have always been, are, and will be unchanged. And the unique properties of fractals are actually used even by modern science, though not everyone knows about it. A good example is fractal antennas.
To make it clearer for you, check out this short but informative description:
Fractal antennas – are antennas that use a fractal self-similar design to maximize the efficiency of a material that can receive or transmit electromagnetic radiation within a given surface or volume. The key aspect of such antennas is their repeating (fractal) pattern, also called «iterations». Due to their fractal geometry, such antennas can be made very compact without losing efficiency, which makes them indispensable components in modern electronics. Moreover, fractal antennas are generally considered to be significantly more efficient than traditional antennas.
Nevertheless, almost all sources (in the spirit of traditional physics) only describe the phenomenon, without explaining its nature. Moreover, with all the obvious advantages of such antennas, there is suspiciously little documentation and even images of such antennas in the public domain for some reason. For the most part, all that one can find is homemade assemblies from various amateurs, and a website of an American company «Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc.».
I have a feeling that it is the only commercial organization that researches and sells fractal technologies. And given that this company, according to information from their own website, works closely with various defense agencies (such as DARPA), it becomes clear that everything is not so simple there. Most likely, the whole industry is under the tight control of the government, and you can’t just enter this sphere and do anything you want.
Either way, at this stage we know for sure that fractal antennas work better than conventional antennas, and we also know for sure that they use ideal geometry. It is logical to assume that geometry holds the secret we are looking for. Apparently, regular geometric shapes somehow enhance energy. But why is this amplification happening? And what kind of energy did the temples amplify with the help of the fractal shape of their structure?
In order to understand the reason behind this phenomenon, we have to delve into the very basics of what energy and matter are. For most people, the understanding of these concepts is very fragmented. Not every person will be able to easily explain the nature of such phenomena as light, sound, radio waves (and others), and even fewer people will be able to connect everything into one big picture. Anyway, let's start with a clean slate, and sequentially sort everything out.
Currently, the concept of elementary particles dominates the official science. According to this concept, our entire universe is a large constructor, consisting of various particles of different size and purpose. We are being told that there are molecules, atoms, electrons and neutrons, as well as some even smaller particles that make up the basis of atoms (like «quarks» and other strange names). Moreover, they are trying to convince us of the existence of «dark matter» and «antimatter», often used to explain stuff that they cannot explain yet (or do not want to explain).
On the one hand, you might think that there is no catch, because «smart guys in white coats know their stuff». And science itself is a supposedly neutral sphere, with no place for conspiracy. And although I would argue about conspiracy theories (given all the lies that we and our colleagues have been able to uncover in recent years), modern science has enough serious inconsistencies on its own, that are visible even with a superficial consideration of a number of the most basic concepts. One of such inconsistencies is the concept of ether and fields.
The question of ether’s existence has already been raised countless times, both by official science and by supporters of alternative concepts. The fact that the history surrounding this issue is very shady is probably known to every person who has at least some basic understanding of what is happening. The main inconsistency is that if there is allegedly no ether, then what kind of environment transfers the fields? Modern science has gotten rid of the concept of ether, but has not given anything sufficient in return. Wherever you go, you will be fed with the theory of relativity, as a «universal answer to all the mysteries of the universe».
The generally accepted explanation of physical fields is also associated with a pronounced understatement. On the one hand, we are told that a field is just an area of force vectors (as is the case with magnets). But on the other hand, science talks about certain field/force carriers, like photons (as is the case with the electromagnetic field). And how can people ultimately understand what is the truth? Most often, scientists give the following answer – «radiation has a dual nature – it is both a field and a stream of particles». But the amount of the «discovered» elementary particles is already so big that the resulting concept barely fits into common sense. Particularly confusing is the division of the concept of a field into magnetic, electric, electromagnetic and gravitational. Are these all really different fields? Personally, it seems to me that someone deliberately complicates and confuses the physical picture of our world so that people fail to understand it, and subsequently lose their further interest.
Nevertheless, even the official scientific concept has reference points that more or less accurately reflect the nature of the surrounding reality. One such reference point is the «electromagnetic spectrum»:
For a more detailed and visual explanation of this spectrum, I suggest going to YouTube and choosing an explanation video that you will find most appealing.
Based on this scale, almost all physical phenomena known to us are not just abstract energy, but vibrations of a certain frequency (measured in Hertz/Hz). And since these oscillations can also be represented in the form of waves (or fields, if we take a three-dimensional projection), the second measuring parameter is the length of such a wave (lambda/λ). The higher the vibration frequency, the shorter the wavelength, and the higher the energy transmitted by them.
According to the generally accepted view, the generation of electromagnetic waves is directly related to electricity, which, in its turn, is explained by the «movement of electrons» as subatomic particles. But to understand what an «electron» is, one has to delve into the structure of matter even deeper.
The point is that the physical concept of the atom’s structure has changed throughout the 20th century (and even the beginning of the 21st). And the widespread understanding of the atom as a nucleus (made of protons and neutrons) and electrons that revolve around it like planets, is not entirely correct (or rather not entirely relevant) even from the point of view of the currently accepted version.
Ultimately, everything boiled down to the previously mentioned contradiction – atoms have both, the properties of a particle, and the properties of a field. But the following image looks especially controversial:
The blue areas you see in the image are visualizations of the «electron orbitals» of hydrogen atom (assuming electrons do exist). Scientists say that electrons are never found in a static position, which makes them extremely difficult to capture. Therefore, instead of depicting the particles themselves, they began to depict areas within which electrons can move.
So they managed to detect fields, but not particles. Strange, isn’t it?
Thus, we are faced with a certain dilemma. If the electromagnetic waves are unambiguously waves/fields, and the «electron» looks as shown in the image, maybe there are no particles at all? Maybe all this time they were just trying to confuse us? My logic and my subconscious tend to think exactly that way. In my opinion, what we have before us is the most ordinary wave oscillations, manifested in the form of fields. Exactly the same patterns as those seen in cymatics experiments, but on a much smaller scale. Take a closer look at the following patterns yourself and compare them with the previous image:
A notable detail is that as the vibration frequency increases, the pattern becomes denser. From this, a logical conclusion can be drawn about the direct relation between the complexity of the pattern and the amount of the transmitted energy – the stronger the energy, the more complex the pattern (and vice versa).
Even though sound and electromagnetic vibrations are at different energy levels, we clearly see the similarities in the emerging wave structures. It is quite obvious that the laws of the structure of our universe are associated with harmonious and regular geometric shapes. In the image, the figures are presented in a two-dimensional projection, but in reality they are three-dimensional, and represent Platonic solids of varying complexity.

These geometric shapes appear at all levels of the surrounding reality and reflect a certain universal programming language in which our universe is written.
And although it may be difficult for some people to accept the idea that no molecules and atoms (in the traditional sense) exist, and that our whole world is just a combination of force fields of different scale and vibration frequencies, I still want to remind you that a person perceives the world only the way that his body allows him. All of us are capable of seeing and hearing vibrations of a very limited spectrum. The way we see the surrounding reality only partially reflects its real appearance.
But for easier perception of information throughout the article, I will nevertheless refer to the atomic level of matter as something material and tangible. Just keep in mind that in reality everything may be completely different from the way you are used to imagining it.
Now, returning to the question of fractal antennas and other structures that use regular geometry, it becomes quite clear to us why such systems get increased efficiency and other special properties. As you have probably figured out by now, the secret lies in resonance. But more on that in the next chapter.
Chapter 6 – Resonance and crystal magic
Based on the information given in Chapter 5, we know that matter and energy of our universe are based on regular geometry. Moreover, judging by the examples of fractal antennas and old temples, we also know that imitation of this geometry somehow enhances the overall energetic properties of a given object/system. But why exactly is this amplification happening? And how can all this be related to crystals? In order to answer these questions, will will need to address a phenomenon known as resonance.
Although most people subconsciously understand the true meaning of the word «resonance» (sometimes using it in their speech), many unfortunately do not fully understand the essence of the physical process behind this phenomenon. This is largely due to the fact that people get to know this phenomenon through examples such as glass cracking from sound, or a bridge breaking from wind. Examples like these make people think that the physical effect of resonance is primarily related to destruction. But actually this is incorrect, as the real essence of resonance lies in coherent and harmonious oscillations.
The easiest way to understand it is to imagine a common swing, going back and forth. If you push it at the moment it approaches you, then the energy of the swing will weaken. But if you push them at the moment when they move away from you, the direction of the energy you applied will coincide with the direction of the swing’s energy, and make it stronger.
Translating this into a more scientific language – in order to achieve resonance, it is necessary that the oscillation frequency of the applied influence coincides with the oscillation frequency of the system on which this effect is exerted. A good visual explanation of the resonance effect can be seen in this video – «A better description of resonance».
But you are probably wondering why, in some cases, objects are nonetheless destroyed by sound or wind, and where goes the line between ordinary mechanical vibrations and those vibrations that occur at the atomic level? In fact, it is not so easy to give a precise answer to this question, given that I do not fully understand it either. But I can assume that we can apply the same principle with a swing here.
Imagine that the swing frame is represented by atomic bonds and their vibrations – you cannot destroy it by simply knocking with your fist, since the vibration frequency is too different. In this case, the moving part of the swing (the one that can rotate 360 degrees) is the natural vibration frequency of the entire system, which can be represented as the sum of all vibrations present at the atomic level. By applying a certain impact on the moving part, you loosen its structure to some extent, but not to the extent that is needed to unbalance it. If you start swinging the movable part all 360 degrees and do it with the correct frequency, then sooner or later the swing will fly off the hinges, thereby breaking the frame itself. How quickly the swing breaks depends on the strength of the material that forms the basis of the frame.
A similar thing happens at the atomic level (microlevel). As long as the vibrations are harmonious and occur within the maximum energy potential of the system, we can get a positive effect. But if you transfer more energy than the system can hold, it will go out of balance and collapse. This pattern can be very clearly seen in the following video:
And if you still haven’t realized why the resonance effect can occur in objects due to the correct geometric shape, then take another look at the images given at the end of the Chapter 5. Each vibration/field frequency corresponds to a certain spatial form/figure. And since all matter consists of vibrations/fields, we can conclude that everything around us is a huge compilation of geometric shapes/figures of various scale. By giving matter a specific shape, even at the macrolevel, we can provoke appearance of the resonance effect.
The reason geometric shapes are so important also lies in the fact that humans are only able to sense a limited portion of the energy spectrum with their senses. But thanks to geometric images, we can see the part of the spectrum that is hidden from us. That is why the dark forces, controlling the mainstream science, tend to describe our world mostly using mathematical formulas, and not visual images. As it makes it much more difficult for people to notice the considered patterns and build a coherent picture of the world in their minds.
Nevertheless, everything that I’ve said about resonance, most likely, isn’t a revelation for you. To one degree or another, this topic has already been repeatedly covered by various researchers – both very famous and ordinary amateurs like me. However, there is a couple of things that you probably haven't heard of. Earlier I said that resonance can be achieved by giving the object/system a specific geometric shape even at the macrolevel (visible level). But what about the microlevel? The clear answer to this question is hidden in the depths of crystals.
When I first started studying crystals, I faced a very unpleasant problem – almost all reference materials and videos lacked a clear classification of crystals. In particular, I was confused by the fact that I couldn’t find complete visualizations of various types of crystal lattices anywhere. After analyzing a huge amount of information from Wikipedia, several textbooks on crystallography, as well as many videos on YouTube, I realized that the information that interests me is called «crystal spatial symmetry groups» (or simply «space groups»). A total of 230 such groups are known, and each of them has its own unique symmetry. However, even here everything turned out to be not so simple. Neither textbooks nor Wikipedia contained the most important aspect – visualization! The only thing I could find almost everywhere looked like this:
Seriously, why should people know about some useless groups of crystal symmetry that reflect the structure of our universe? They should rather read about the theory of relativity. It even comes with the desired visualization – a photo of «genius» Einstein is in almost every textbook and documentary on physics. What else could one need? All other questions will be taken care of by smart people in special research agencies.
Luckily, I came across a unique website of one German scientist named Frank Hoffmann, who works at University of Hamburg. On this website you can find a document titled «230 – The Space Group List Project», which has visualization of all 230 crystal space groups. This is the exact type of visualization that I was looking for. If you look at it, you will right away understand why crystalline structures (monocrystalline in particular) have such unique properties.
Each crystal group has its own unique geometry. But what’s even more interesting is that the features of the geometry of the crystal lattice directly determine the properties that matter will have. Carbon (C) is a good example for this statement, as it has the largest number of known allotropic modifications. But what are allotropic modifications? In simple terms, these are different material states of the same element, determined by the structural features of its crystal lattice. In other words, creating crystal lattices of various shapes, we get different allotropes, each of which has its own unique properties.

But in addition to the allotropes presented above, there is another one with rather unusual properties. Its name is graphene. Visual information on what graphene is, can be seen in this video – «What is graphene?».
For those who cannot, or do not want to watch, I offer the following description: If atoms are imagined as particles, then graphene can be described as a layer of carbon, which is one atom thick. This will become clearer if you imagine the crystalline structure of graphite and divide it into separate layers. Each such layer will be graphene (provided that it is separated).

Graphene has a number of unique properties such as high thermal and electrical conductivity. Moreover, graphene is considered to be one of the most durable, and at the same time elastic materials of all known to science (at least officially). But the main reason why I chose it as an example lies in a different aspect. It is related to the fact that graphene is the first and only known two-dimensional crystal. This circumstance allows us to see one extremely important feature that would be difficult to demonstrate on any other (three-dimensional) crystalline material. I learned about this feature from the article titled «When magic is seen in twisted graphene, that’s a moire», which describes a very curious discovery made by a group of physicists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
It turns out that if you combine two layers of graphene at a certain angle, it will acquire the properties of a superconductor. Moreover, this angle is repeated at regular intervals, since it is directly related to the occurring pattern.

Now you most likely think that there is nothing special about it. But if you watch the following video, you will immediately understand why this discovery is so amazing: Video - «Graphene Moire Pattern from 0 - 30°»
When one pattern is superimposed on another, the structure begins to thicken. At certain angles of rotation, the pattern acquires regular symmetrical outlines. And precisely when the crystal lattice of graphene is established in the correct harmonious angles – it acquires the properties of a superconductor. The harmonious angle, in its turn, is determined by the cyclical frequency. And although at the minimum degree of rotation, the pattern contraction is not visible, it actually occurs (as well as the change in properties). But in order to see the contraction at a small degree of rotation, the area of the pattern itself must be larger than that shown in the image.
The discovery with graphene clearly proves that the occurrence of the resonance effect is directly related to geometry. Moreover, it convinces us that this principle works at all levels of the structure of matter, regardless of scale. However, scale also plays a certain role. This role is most easily explained by the example of the so-called «moire patterns» mentioned earlier.
Video - «Freaky Dot Patterns – Numberphile»
As you have already understood, the imposition of one image on another at a certain angle can cause a contraction of the geometry. And as we know from examples with experiments on cymatics, the complexity of a geometric pattern is directly proportional to its energy potential. This means that by creating a denser pattern, we can get improved energy and resonance properties. BUT, if I understand everything correctly, the amount of energy that can fit into one unit of space (or matter) is strictly regulated by the laws of the structure of the universe. This limitation is clearly manifested in geometry, as in the example of moire patterns. Although the structure can self-contract in a given space – it cannot do this indefinitely, there is a certain limit. We either make the pattern less dense but larger, or increase the density until the pattern becomes as small as possible.
Hence, a natural question arises – how to create a system with the highest energy potential, if with an increase in energy, the geometric pattern becomes denser and denser? The answer is pretty obvious – you need follow the pattern and move deeper, increasing the scale as much as it is possible. With our knowledge, the deepest level we can reach is the atomic level, but in theory, energy can exist even deeper.
The reason why crystals (monocrystals in particular) were, are, and will be essential components of both modern and lost energy systems comes from the fact that their structure has regular geometry at the microlevel, which gives them a significant advantage over other, less structured materials. The use of crystals in conjunction with other energy elements, in its turn, allows to achieve the resonance effect simultaneously at the macrolevel and microlevel.
Thus, we can conclude that crystals are ideal energy resonators. And although my main goal was to prove the assumption about their use in energy systems of the past, I am inclined to think that crystals have much more potential than even the one described in this article.
Understanding the structure of crystals and matter is a very important prerequisite for comprehending the essence of the structure of reality. Nevertheless, we still haven't reached the main secret of the lost energy technology. This is exactly what the next (final) part will be devoted to.