There are 2 types of natural information carrier for human DNA (in Figure 00 in the form of a Tree of life on a person's head) - WATER and Sun/Moon/FIRE (this is symbolically depicted in ancient Egyptian images, for example, on the tablet of Isis-Fig 01 Egypt and its decoding-Fig 02.03), which create everything everywhere by this information from the SUN / Moon AND WATER - both on earth and in space, and in human DNA, and which carry it to us - carriers of natural information in the form of electromagnetic solar radiation from the SUN during the day and the reflection of solar radiation by the Moon at night, as well as from disturbed WATER in reservoirs.
Figure 01 Tablet (tablet)Isis with images, where the central figure of God is in the arch

Fig.02 DECODING OF the BEMBO (ISIS) TABLET, where the central figure in the arch is IYNX - 4 symbols of the designation of the god YAHWEH from the arch. This is the same plate as in Fig.01, only more ordered (not by me) and translated from the language of images into the language of signs/symbols. And it already depicts not images, but signs and letters, which makes it more understandable, you can try to translate. To the left of the center, the active triad of "FIRE" elements is described in letters. To the right of the center, a passive triad of "WATER" elements is described in letters. At the top of the 4 sections of the tablet, the symbols of the zodiac signs are shown using letter triads: 4 * 3 in each section = 12 signs. At the bottom, with the help of letter triads, 4 cardinal directions (south, north, west, east) are described in accordance with the wind rose, which correspond to 4 forms of energy, 4 seasons of the year.

Fig.03 Continuation of the DECODING OF the BEMBO (ISIS) TABLET, where the ancient ANKH is depicted in the center - the ancient symbol of the Egyptians, denoting eternal life, or life after death, and in it 2 triangles: transparent inverted and dark shaded. One triangle enters the other, thereby forming with the help of FIRE/ Sun/ Moon and WATER all life on Earth - that is, the process of formation from elements is depicted (according to the alchemical signs below - the star of David). Above the ANKH symbol there is a circle with a dot inside -a SYMBOL of the SUN-God Solomon-the Father-God (also an alchemical sign). We decipher here only what concerns WATER and FIRE.

Christian pilgrims hold candles at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, traditionally believed to be the burial site of Jesus Christ, during the ceremony of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem's Old City, Saturday, April 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)
At the bottom of Fig.03, in 4 sections, triads of Hebrew letters are depicted, each of the triads shows a different form of energy at the wind rose from each of the 4 cardinal directions. Each Hebrew letter has its own indication-the designation of forms of energy, but this is not the topic of this article.
Fig.04 Existing alchemical signs

According to the alchemical signs on the Tablet of Isis, Figure 03 shows:
- dark shaded triangle to the left of the center - the sign of FIRE (masculine)- shows us that a triad of 3 elements - copper, mercury, iron – is influenced by Fire/Sun/Moon, or this triad of elements is formed with the help of information from Fire/Sun/Moon;
- the dark shaded triangle in the center of the drawing enters the light triangle - this is a sign of the completion of the Great Alchemical work - a sign of the Fire and Water process with triads-elements.
So, the symbol of Fire / Sun / Moon in images, frescoes, paintings, architectural buildings, arches, icons is a Lion, and Fire is the Sun / Moon, from which this very Fire radiates on DNA - look at Fig.05. And the flowers in the drawings are a symbolic image of DNA, because flowers bloom on trees, and trees are depicted as a symbol on many ancient images.
The word SYMBOL itself consists of Simba-Lion and Ox-Bull /Tur/Aries/Taurus/Lamb. These symbols - the LION AND the BULL - are found on many ancient frescoes, bas-reliefs, icons, paintings by artists, etc., and cause a lot of questions.

Fig.05 Lev/Fire/The Sun/Moon is a symbol of information for DNA from Fire - and the symbol of DNA is flowers

Fig. 06 Lev/Fire is a symbol of information for DNA from Fire and DNA flowers on a bas-relief

Figure 07 depicts Lions-symbols of Fire in the arches and the whole picture is on Fire, i.e., the actions in the images in the picture / icon occur in the human DNA during the day with solar radiation.

In the picture Fig. 08 of Ancient Egypt, the Lion-symbol and the SUN-Fire are depicted. Here ANKH is under the Sun
I looked at the images in one place, read about it in another place, translated from Latin in the third - and that's what I realized for myself and brought together, and I describe it here for you.
The next symbol is the symbol of information WATER - it is a BULL / ARIES / Tur / Ox / LAMB at the slaughter – where - as depicted, in different ways, but the meaning is the same - these are all symbols of WATER.

Fig.09 Europe in the Water and the Bull/WATER - symbol carrier of information from Water, DNA- flowers-symbols

Fig.10 Europe, BULL/WATER - symbol-carrier of information from Water and DNA-Fish-symbols
Among the Sumerians, photons of light with information about DNA were depicted on bas-reliefs in the form of fish symbols and scales, because one fish emits photons of light, and the other - nearby- takes them away (physicists proved by experiments). You can even see the image of fish in the picture - one dark - gave light, the other light-received light. Our Pushkin also wrote fairy tales where scales, water and fish are mentioned, implying human DNA (the fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan", etc., in which 33 heroes are formed amino acids in DNA and the fairy tale about DNA itself). Any fairy tale, icon, painting, fresco, bas-relief is a figurative image of the hidden and mysterious that the author could not write directly, fearing for his life due to various prohibitions and inquisitions.
Pay attention-architectural structures with columns are depicted in the background of a water painting with a BULL, remember them-the properties of DNA are actually used here by people (Fig.10).
In the background of the picture, Fig.11 shows an arched structure-remember it - DNA is also really used here by a person. Also on the left is a jug-measure/measuring instrument.

Fig.12 BULL/Water is a symbol - a carrier of natural information from Water-a reservoir and a column gallery with sculptures
Pay attention and remember: the column gallery with sculptures is depicted on the left in the picture Fig.12-these are real constructions of the use of DNA capabilities by a person, it looks like at the Moon, once a Month / Moon is depicted in the picture. I like this picture the most, because it is the most informative - I realized from it that Leo/Fire/Sun work for DNA during the day with solar radiation, and Water/Bull - at night with the lunar reflection of radiation. About flowers - the DNA in the picture has already explained everything earlier, but the vase / jug also has a certain meaning here - it is an image of a measure / measuring instrument / other measurements through DNA.
We make a small conclusion about what we have seen: ancient and other civilizations have repeatedly tried to convey to us - their descendants - a whole heap of information, only you need to learn to understand and read it.
The Bull carrier works in different places and at different times/Water and also exactly the carrier of information - Leo/Fire/The Sun/Moon, and people still have to create certain conditions for them - for their work. All this needs to be studied and described separately, because a lot of information is obtained. I started with symbols and signs, I roughly understood what was what, but it turns out that genetics (about DNA) and physics (radiation) are involved here, and I am not a geneticist and not a physicist, so I describe in my own words as I can - unscientific. Most likely, similar processes have already been described in these sciences, certainly in quantum physics, and in genetics, too, only all this is hidden from us so that we cannot use our DNA, which, it turns out, has many possibilities - properties. And what our scientists call "junk DNA", this part of DNA has amazing properties. Conclusion: The Lion and the Bull are symbols of real carriers of natural information for human DNA - Fire/Sun and Water/Reservoir. They bring it to us in nature. The architectural structures depicted for us by the ancients in all forms of painting and architecture could have been designed as a large resonating system for capturing and accumulating waves of magnetic and electromagnetic energy for DNA capabilities in the Sun and Water.

Fig.13 Lion and Bull on the ancient walls, to the right and left of the Bull flowers-DNA.
Below is the possibility of DNA when the Holy Fire descends on a living being, for example, at Easter in the Temple

Figure 14 shows a real photo of the convergence of the natural Blessed Fire/Lion/Sun-symbol - in Jerusalem. Look at this photo not at candles in the hands of people and not at priests who mislead us all and carry around the world an unnecessary fire in lighted candles, but look at a Ray of the Sun - here it is - a real holy Fire at Easter, which is blessed for all living DNA, because this ray of the Sun it carries natural information to all living things under it (which is to geneticists, and also to programmers, physicists, they should have known this for a long time. This information is encoded in its radiation by codes of genetics and codes of programming languages).
Such a Blessed Fire - radiation - is enough for everyone and it will not be carried around the world by priests with candles) - Fig. 15.
Also, the BULL carries information with Water. That's why the Cow/The bull is considered sacred, for example, in India, they also have a huge reservoir there - the Ganges River, from which you can get a lot of information for living beings. Water, as you know, accumulates this information.
100 years ago, in temples and ancient various architectural structures around the world, everything was destroyed and destroyed specifically so that we could not take advantage of these opportunities of natural information for our DNA molecules.
These are all physical and chemical processes of nature with the effect on the DNA molecule of living beings under certain conditions, which the ancients told us about in their frescoes, bas-reliefs, icons, paintings, etc. I will try to tell you about the amazing properties of the DNA molecule read on them in the next article.

That's how the sacred symbols - the Lion and the Bull - brought to us natural information from antiquity.